Twin Villa, La Tour-de-PeilzEXCLUSIVITY! 4.5 room semi-detached villa£1,728,480176 sqm20 sqmExclusive
Apartment, Paris 16thTrocadero / Kléber - Beautiful family and reception apartment with unobstructed view£3,757,4574 bedrooms3 bathrooms252 sqm15.85 sqm
Apartment, Paris 16thVictor Hugo family apartment - Square Lamartine£3,514,7704 bedrooms4 bathrooms225.35 sqm
Apartment, Paris 16thVictor Hugo - 2 bedrooms with 18m2 balconies£2,343,1802 bedrooms2 bathrooms163 sqm18.4 sqm
Apartment, Paris 16thAvenue Marceau - fully renovated apartment£1,493,7773 bedrooms2 bathrooms105 sqm